Foreground Color : Enter or select a hex color code (e.g., #FFFFFF).
Background Color : Enter or select a hex color code (e.g., #000000)
✔️ Calculate the contrast ratio 🎯
✔️ Provide a rating from 1 to 10 ⭐
✔️ Show WCAG compliance status (AA or AAA) ✅
Contrast Ratio(e.g., 21:1 for black & white)
Pass/Fail status based on WCAG standards
Accessibility compliance level (AA or AAA)
✅ Use high-contrast colors for better readability.
✅ Ensure text stands out against backgrounds for accessibility.
✅ Check WCAG compliance (AA or AAA) to meet industry standards.
📌 Pro Tip: Dark text on a light background often improves readability
Troubleshooting (Common Issues & Fixes)
Problem: The contrast ratio is too low.
✔️ Try using darker or lighter colors to increase contrast.
✔️ Avoid using similar shades that blend together
Problem: The text fails WCAG standards.
✔️ Adjust the foreground and background colors to improve readability.
✔️ Aim for at least a 4.5:1 contrast ratio for body text
Wrap-Up & Next Steps
Now you know how to use the DubNinja Contrast Checker to ensure accessible and readable designs! 🚀
Make your designs inclusive, user-friendly, and WCAG-compliant! 😊